Thursday, May 31, 2007

Life 1 x 0 World of Warcraft

That is it, World of Warcraft lost, yesterday Alex cancelled his account. To be honest, I didn't see that one coming. I mean, I found scrapbooking and thought I was wasting my time playing... he flipped out of nowhere and said he didn't want it anymore. He said he read articles about how addicted people get, he didn't even want me to read them, it must be bad :) I am over the moon. More time for us to spend together! Yesterday we watched TV (House) and held hands most of the time. This is good, I like this. Today he bought a new game, might as well because he needs something to do while the kids are asleep and I am scrapbooking. The new game is not multiplayer, this is important, this was the problem with WoW. Having the excuse there are other people waiting on you to have their fun, just adds to the addiction. Anyway, it WoW is gonne, we are turning the page, now onto other things, hopefully more productive things :)

(Alex "trying" to play World of Warcraft, a thing of the past?)

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Happy Birthday Jacqueline

Então, hoje é o aniversário da minha queridíssima Jacqueline (no Brazil dia 29/05 está só começando, aqui já acabou hehehe).
Impossível pensar na Jacqueline e não lembrar dos bons tempos da minha adolescência. Ah, que saudade das nossas longas conversas depois do almoço, com direito a ataques de risos intermináveis. Nós éramos sombra uma da outra, passávamos o dia inteirinho juntas porque estudávamos e trabalhávamos nos mesmos lugares. Ainda é difícil acreditar que agora só nos falamos de vez em quando, e só graças à net. Mas a nossa amizade parece alheia as mudanças de espaço e tempo que ocorreram :)
Jacque, se você estiver lendo isso: morro de saudades, penso sempre em você. Espero que seu dia seja nota mil e cheio de novidades maravilhosas! Te amo muito!

Today is my best friend’s birthday :) Here are a couple of layouts I created for her:



Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Another one

oh wow! I also got chosen for the week three loot bag challenge over at Scrapbookgraphics.
Here is the announcement in their blog:
The layout was the one I created to talk about my weight :) I posted it here a few days back.
The prize is a Epson StoryTeller Photo Book Kit.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

This is nice

It is so cool when you get praise for something you love doing. This week I got featured at We Digi Dare Ya. I found their website about a month ago and I am having soooooooo much fun doing the dares. I love challenges! Here is the post and the featured layout:


Mateus is going to kill me when he gets older :)

On the same day I got picked by Melissa as layout of the day here for this layout:


It is the second time I get featured at Digi Pick of the Day, first time it was for this layout I did for the Lifts with a Twist blog:


I love the Lifts with a Twist Blog, probably cause I love how a lift can turn into something completely different. I also got highlighted there (here) for another version of the above layout.

I post all my layouts on the Designer Digitals gallery, and also try to do as many challenges I can, so I got my layouts to appear in their blog a couple of times:

Ah, and I got a free kit from Jackie Eckles when I did this layout for her Font Challenge:


Ok, this post is getting too long and I am not meaning to brag about myself but, in one month, that is a lot of praise and I am soooooooooooo happy for it I wanted to share :) The challenges are great and I really feel I am improving after each layout! So, keep them coming!

Lastly, thank you to everyone that take time to leave comments on my layouts. It really keeps me going :) You are all too kind! Love the digi-scrapping community!

Warcraft 0 x 1 Scrapbooking

This week we cancelled my World of Warcraft account… how crazy is that? If you talked to me 6 months ago you would never believed this was possible. I would love to have the money to just keep my account there… but we have to save and I have been Scrapbooking on the little spare time I have, so, bye bye Fei Aman (my night-elf hunter).
I am so glad I have found scrapbooking, even happier to have found digi-scrapping. I mean, when I was playing World of Warcraft I had lots of fun, but at the end of 3 hours I had nothing to show for it. How frustrating is that? I feel I was wasting my time. I am sorry to all my friends that play, the main objective is entertainment so it doesn’t really matter if you have something to show at the end of it, right? Well, I thought it did matter to me :)

Para felicidade geral da família (mamãe e sogrinha), eu cancelei minha conta de World of Warcraft. Acabou o “joguinho de computador” viu? Podem ficar felizes :) Agora vcs vão ter que aguentar o moooooonte de páginas de Scrapbook que eu vou criar no tempo que eu estaria jogando :)

Thursday, May 24, 2007

My weight

So, nope, I am not proud of myself. I didn’t really try too hard to lose weight. I am avoiding really bad junk food like Hungry Jacks (Burger King for some of you) but I am still going with big portions and an incredible number of snacks. I am snacking on light bikkies... but they still have fat and calories. So I am not quite sure what I am doing right. I suspect it is the breastfeeding, or maybe getting my gall bladder removed two months ago might have contributed. I don't know. The fact is... I am now 65 kilos. I don’t remember last time I was 65 kilos, I remember being 68 in high school. This is crazy! I mean, I am loving it.... but is stressing me out that I don’t know what I did to achieve this, and therefore, don’t know how to keep from putting the weight back on.

I just *had* to buy new clothes. Going back to work I finally realised I didn’t have one pair of pants that fit me, kinda cool if I wasn’t so broke LOL But I did buy 3 new pairs, so I am good for a while now.

So, I finally got around to scrap before and after shots of my "weight loss":

Credits here

Hope you are all having a great week. The rainy cold dark days are getting to me but I will try to do something fun with the kids tomorrow even if indoors :)

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Lucas turned six months

Oh.. my..... God..... Where did the time go? I am already missing my little tiny baby so much. Lucas is so big now, he grew really quickly.

Lucas is blowing raspberries all the time. He likes playing with his feet. He smiles when he catches you looking at him. He loves watching his big brother. All these really sweet things just melt my heart.Lucas started solids two weeks ago and already has difficult appetite, just like his brother and dad. He will only eat what he feels like. Even nursing is a bit of a fight now; he doesn’t really want it during the day. He likes to nurse at night though. Lucas has big stretches of sleep just after 8PM, but from around midnight he wakes up every 3 hours for a feed. He loves to sleep on his back, he used to only sleep on his tummy but now he turns on his back and is happy. Lucas is on all fours all time, ready to crawl, but not quite there. He will drag himself around though, not quite sure how he does it but when I look again he moved somewhere else :)

Today I remembered how we had a PARTY for Mateus’ six months. Oh dear, celebrations yesterday stopped at hugs and smile :) We took Mateus to see Spiderman. Lucas got some daddy time while I was with Mateus at the movies for the first time. Spiderman 3 wasn’t a clever choice for a three year old, because it took too long, but he looooooooooves Spiderman so I had to take him. So, back to Lucas, today I felt bad for him and decided he needed a “birthday” present. I bought him a walker. I have been thinking about it and thought we could not afford one at the moment, but he deserves it, he never gets anything because he already has all of Mateus’ “old stuff”. So I went and bought the cheapest one I could find, and still it was one of my favourite ones (I always buy Pooh Bear stuff for the kids hehehe) When he saw it he squeeled and giggled and was jumping off my lap to get to it. He loves it so much! (he loved the one at childcare so I knew what I was doing LOL) Here it is:

That is it for me :) Have a great week everyone.


Everything sorted out at work. Tomorrow (Monday) will be my first day on the new times. I am working 3PM to 7PM Monday and Friday. I cancelled childcare and now I am at peace with myself. Alex will stay home with the kids while I work. When Lucas is older, I will organize somewhere/someone to take care of him while Mateus is at Preschool. Then I will be able to increase my weekly hours, at least that is the plan :)

Friday, May 18, 2007


Sou uma viciada em fonts. Me controlo para não ficar procurando ne internet. Mas o que mais me chateia é que tem muita font sem os acentos que a gente precisa no português. Tanto que eu tô até com mania de escrever coisa errada por causa disso (rs cheia de desculpas) Bom, esse post é pra falar que eu comentei dessa minha frustração com uma designer que gosto muito, a Jackie Eckles. Sabe o que aconteceu? No último lançamento dela ela incluiu acentuação brasileira :D Olha só:

Bom demais né? Mal posso esperar por mais fonts dela :)

Wednesday, May 16, 2007


The kids are feeling a little bit better. Everyone is still sick though, including me now, blegh. Poor things, when I get sick after them I feel so sorry to know how they were feeling. I have a very sore throat and keep thinking of poor Lucas so uncomfortable with a sore throat and not able to let anyone know. That made taking him to care today extra hard.

So, still don’t quite know what to do with myself! Stop working? Work part time? Should Alex watch the kids? Should I just find another childcare (they are all full though). I was told today that working from home is not an option on my current job. They can’t support it. However, they will make pretty much any other deal. One suggestion was to just work one “night” a week from 3PM to 7PM. Maybe if Alex was home with the kids I wouldn’t feel so bad about leaving them, and maybe we could finally save some money. I might go with two nights to make it worth my while. Decisions…

I started a time capsule album, here is the "family" layout:


I want to print this one to put in my new frame *wink wink*

You can read the journaling here: Michelle, Alex, Mateus and Lucas.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Best mothers' day ever (almost)

Today was a great day. I needed a great day :)

I loved my presents!
I got a frame for my favorite scrapbook layouts:

And with the frame, I got a gorgeous layout made by Alex himself!

Credits here

Other than all that, I got this:

Alex said he has nothing to do with this one LOL

I also went on a shopping spree at Designer Digitals and Scrapartist, and can’t wait for the Shabby Princess’ shop anniversary celebrations.

Oh, talking about scrapbooking, during National Scrapbooking Day last weekend, I participated on the Designer Digitals all day chat! Got lots of Freebies but the coolest is that I got a subscription for Digital Scrapbooking for freeeee. Thanks to Jen Donelly :)

Ah, the *almost* remark was because the kids are sick, but not too bad! Just a cold! Hope they get well soon.


I did some cool layouts for my mom and mother in law (I think they are cool at least)

Credits here

Credits here

Happy mothers' day everyone :)

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Bummer – tô triste

I am having second thoughts about work… Friday was not good. I mean, work was great, but I was not happy with the childcare and now I don’t know if I want my little Lucas to go through this. I am going to talk to my boss on Monday about working from home. If that doesn’t work out I will have a year off. I think we can afford it. What I cant afford is seeing my little one unhappy. What happened? Lots of little things through the day that ended up upsetting me, things that I sometimes ignore, but they just stacked on top of each other. In the morning there were preschoolers visiting the baby room, I got a bit worried because they aren’t that careful with babies, obviously. At 10AM, Lucas didn’t want a proper feed. Then when I arrived at lunch time, he was sleepy but they didn’t have a cot for him because there were too many kids on that Friday (lots of casuals were booked in). Then I came back at 3PM and found out the girls were letting him “cry it out” in the cot on the backroom. She said, “oh, he just woke up, we were about to get him”. My normal feeding time is 4PM, so I was there early and that made me wonder how they treat him when I am not there. He is always on someone’s lap when I get there, do they pick him up just because I am about to arrive? Anyway, worst of all, when I called worried sick at 4:45PM I was told he was sleepy, but they couldn’t put him down because at 5PM they “merge rooms” and she couldn’t leave him sleeping by himself in the babies room…. WHAT??? I pay care until 6PM and at 5PM it stops? Obviously I had to leave work early because I wouldn’t let him cry it out until I got there at 6PM…. So there you have it, that is why I am having second thoughts! ….. I was going to translate this but my mom would get too upset if she read it so… I am not! Looking forward to Mother’s day :) I think I need some happy times with my kids!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Back at work

First day at work today! Strange exciting tiring day! It was hard being away from Lucas, I worried about him the whole time, but it was great to see my co-workers and get all the "Thank God you are back" comments. It is nice to be missed :) Pictures later.

Primeiro dia de volta ao trabalho hoje. Foi difícil, fiquei preocupada com o Lucas e com muita saudade. Que eu saiba ele ficou muito bem na creche, comeu, dormiu, nem sentiu minha falta. Fui lá 10AM, 1PM e 4PM pra dar o peito. Estou suuuuper cansada pela correria. Mas, no final das contas, amei estar de volta e ver todas as pessoas do serviço. Foi legal ouvir como todo mundo sentiu a minha falta. Só não foi legal ver a bagunça que as coisas estão. Hahaha isso eu não posso escrever em inglês se não eles vão ver. Mas tava tudo uma zona, muita coisa pra consertar, parece que a parte administrativa do que eu faço ficou parada desde quando eu fui embora... mas é bom, assim vou ter o que fazer e não vou ficar pensando nas crianças o tempo todo. Fotos mais tarde :)

Sunday, May 6, 2007

I have been tagged

Line Prado tagged me. Mas como eu fui tagged em português, vai em português.
Ok, sete coisas que ninguém sabe sobre mim... não existem. Alguém, em algum lugar já me ouviu falando de alguma coisa da lista. Mas aí vai:
1. Quando tem uma comida que eu gosto em casa, não consigo parar de comer até acabar (o segredo é não ter a comida hahaha)
2. Adoro jogos de computador e perco a idéia de tempo quando estou jogando.
3. Eu dou mais valor ao que os outros pensam do que minha própria opnião.
4. Passei de ano raspando todos os anos até chegar na faculdade, onde virei um dos melhores alunos.
5. Eu *também* gosto de Heavy Metal (hoje em dia tenho gosto mais variado)
6. Não gosto de batom nem de salto alto :(
7. Às vezes pago pra ficar em casa do que fazer qualquer coisa na rua.

Não conheço muita gente com blog que escreve em português :(

Thursday, May 3, 2007

May already? Lucas na creche!

I can’t believe it is May already, this year will be over before I get used to it being 2007.
Pictures of Lucas at childcare yesterday:

Ok, obviously he was doing much better than me!!! He was happy and smiling and playing! He normally is a bit hard to settle to sleep in the afternoon, well, there I put him down and he just closed his eyes and slept. Crazy! I am back to work two days a week next week and he will stay there the whole day, so I hope he continues to enjoy it.

Fotos do Lucas na creche. Olha só que felicidade! Ele dá o maior trabalho pra domir em casa e lá na creche eu coloquei ele no berço e ele simplesmemte fechou o olho e dormiu... fiquei lá, boba, olhando pra ele. A única coisa que me preocupou é que ele ficou com fome antes da hora. Mas acho que ele vai acostumar a mamar nos horários certos e esse final de semana vou tentar dar alguma comidinha pra ele.

Três albums novos no site:
Tidbinbilla Extravaganza (um final de semana na Reserva Tidbinbilla)
Fotos antigas: fotos que escaneei pra minha mãe (coloquei no site pra ela me dizer o que é o que nas fotos)
Fotos profissionais: as fotos de estúdio que tiramos outro dia.