Tuesday, October 7, 2008

busy working mom

Floriade 08

Work has been unbelievable. It is go go go all the time. No time to check my forums, no time to visit galleries, sometimes no time for lunch... I am taking care of 59 publications. I have to "be there" from start to finish and sort out any problems, especially the ones that surprise us in the finish line. Since the reorganization here at work the new motto is "no surprises", but it has been hard to avoid them. It seens we always find something wrong on the last minute and then it is crazy to try and fix it before the advertised release date. The world is not going to end if people find out late how many bottles of wine were sold in a determined state.... but it sure feels like the world is going to end if we get it wrong. We are serious about statistics. Then again, the world might end if we get the consumer price index wrong and send our economy broke because of wrong decisions made based on the numbers we provide. If you got curious about where I work, check out our website here: http://www.abs.gov.au/

Why do I do it? Well, I didn't say I am not happy, I am just busy! I actually love when there is a meltdown and I can "save the day", love it! Friends, recognition and praise, I think that is why I work!

I am talking about work, 1. just so you know my life is not only kids and scrapbooking LOL, and 2. because I am trying to justify why I have dropped off the face of the Earth in the forums and galleries.

After I get home from work? First, take care of the kids. Pick them up from care, feed them, entertain them until daddy gets home, give them a bath (with hubby's help thank God) and get them to bed. Second, we have to get the house sorted, cleaning up dishes and the mess I usually make cooking dinner (that is why I love take away, less mess to clean up) Sometimes I have to do the laundry, but I like to leave those kind of chores to weekends. Third, hubby and me time, lets not give you too much info on this, LOL, but it has been quiet, usually means sitting together in front of the TV. Sometimes the kids still haven't settled, so it is more work to get them to sleep.

Lastly, scrapbooking, when hubby goes to sleep and I should go to bed get some sleep, I go play with scrapbooking instead. I try to fit it in whenever I can, the hard part is that I try to dedicate weekends to family time, so you can see there is not much scrapbooking time on my schedule...

So, tell me, WHEN do YOU scrapbook? I might get some ideas :)


Kate Hadfield said...

Wow, I don't know how you fit everything in! I'm only working from home part-time and fitting that in is hard enough! Hubby works from home too so we can have lunch together and chat during the day, it works really well in that respect.

Hope you manage to find some balance and / or find an extra few hours to each day!

Luciana said...

Oi Miquika Querida...

Que correria guria!!!
Espero que na próxima semana a gente possa ir almoçar. Preciasamos conversar e comer sushi, é claro:)))

Vou tentar pegar as fotos amanhã...prometo;)))
Se cuida.

Anonymous said...

Loucura, loucura, loucura, né? Meu trabalho não chega nem perto da loucura do seu, mas ainda assim é um malabarismo pra achar tempo pra tudo. Pra mim, meu tempo pra scrap é tarde da noite, como o seu. Depois que o Lucas vai dormir, eu fico um pouco com o marido, depois pulo na frente do computador. Com 5 CTs esse mês, eu tenho que criar rápido e rasteiro, heheheeh... E no outro dia fico pescando na frente do computador. Mas tudo bem, nas férias eu desconto!

Beijos, Mi!!!

Lor said...

Wow! Is soounds like we live the same life... LOL! But, I too luv to work, I luv the challenge of it all. :)

I myself,(in addition to scrapn' at night when all is silent in the house), I scrap and check galleries & forums on my lunch hour. In one week this gives me an additional 5 hours! Sometimes I will get a LO half completed on my lunch hour, and then finish it up at night. I luv my lunch hours!!!

Best of luck in squeezing in some scrap time girl!!! You so deserve it! :0

Melinda said...

I squeeze it in around all of the things I need to do (or should do, but ignore LOL) at home and for the kids. It's getting harder as they get older and are involved in more things. I'm spending more and more time with my taxi cab driver hat on now. I probably get most of my actual scrapping done late at night after everyone else has gone to bed and the chores for the day are done. I'm more creative then in the quiet without kids wanting/needing something all of the time and most of the things I 'have to do' are done for the day.

Anonymous said...

Nossa Mi, te entendo completamente! Aqui é a mesma coisa! Correria no trabalho, final do dia com marido, filho e casa...e se eu for scrapear não durmo..kkkk...mas a gente faz quando dá né? A partir do momento que o hobby passa a ser uma obrigação, acaba a diversão!!!

Brenda Hurd said...

i;m the same - late night scrapper - i do manage to squeeze in some hours during the day when baylee naps and i ignore the house cleaning - but not often! Good luck figuring it all out!

Katrina Kennedy said...

Oh Michelle! I've had one of those weeks...no scrapping for me. Seems like it comes in waves for me! Hoping to get some done next week after bedtime for everyone else in my house :)

Camila said...

Mi, primeiro de tudo brigadinha por ter falado de mim aqui no lançamento da loja ;)
Segundo, eu não sei como vc acha tempo! hahaha Eu estou ficando maluca com essa coisa de design!!! O trabalho atrapalha minha vida de scrapper e designer! kkk E olha que eu trabalho só meio período e não tenho filhos!! Sorte que moro pertíssimo do trabalho (dá pra ir a pé) e marido trabalha de casa, então não gastamos tempo em transito. Mas eu escrapeio no fim da tarde e de madruga. Chego do trabalho lá por 17:30 e venho pro pc já que marido ainda está trabalhando entao sobra um tempinho pra começar um lo!hehehe Depois paro junto com ele, jantamos, vemos tv ou algo do genero e depois q ele dorme eu volto pro laptop!hehehe

Patricia said...

Mi querida, eu também ando na maior correria, mas com o tempo a gente vai aprendendo a concilicar o tempo com a família e o scrap, né? :)
Espero em breve voltar aqui e encontrar essas preciosidades que só você sabe fazer!!! Sou sua fã de carteirinha! Seus projetos, tanto digitais quando artesanais são de um capricho absoluto!
Obrigada pela visita e pelos recadinhos, sempre tão lindos e carinhosos!
Beijo grande e um abraço apertado!

Patricia said...

Mi, você tem msn messenger? :)
O meu endereço de e-mail é esse:



Unknown said...

Mi você é uma daquelas super-mulheres :) faz muita coisa e tudo muito bem!
Bom findi :)