My initial title for this post was “almost there”. House almost clean and organized, but noooooo, I noticed things are not quite like that.
I spent the first day after I got back sleeping, it is hard to cope with the time difference.
The next day was cleaning, I was very proud of myself. I was lucky I did do some cleaning because that same day my uncle and aunty called, they were coming to spend the weekend.
I had completely forgot that they came all the way from Brazil to pick up my cousin after her studies here and obviously were coming to visit me! We had a great time, stupid me didn’t take many pics though :(
Monday I tried to tidy up again, but went to catch up with a friend instead.
Tuesday spent the day looking for childcares, with no success. I started getting pretty stressed out.
Wednesday I called my boss and asked to talk about my return to work later, because I had not decided what to do yet. I might HAVE to stay home with the kids if I can’t find somene to look after them :( I finally scrapped again after so long :) and I was all caught up with e-mails (whew). In the meantime, luggage s still living in the middle of the living room!
Thursday Alex bought a freaking car!!!! I just told him go and buy it because I don’t want to talk about it anymore (I didn’t think we really needed it and could save the money) now we have two cars (well, when the other one get here we will). I FINALLY finished doing all the loads of laundry I had to do (I think they were 8 in total).
Friday, got my driver’s license done (lost my previous one) and caught up with a friend.
Yesterday we went shopping for storage system for inside the kids wardrobe. I finally started unpacking.
Today we went shopping for storage again, plastic containers for the kids’ toys that were ALL over the place.
As I was typing this, I thought I was *almost done* getting everything done and having time to relax. The reality hit me that even though I did all this big stuff, there’s still a lot of work to be done, there always will be. By now the house needs cleaning again (obviously) and the laundry basket is already full.
/end rant
Mi, que correria guria, essa vida de mãe, dona-de-casa, scrapper, esposa, etc. não é fácil não. Beijinhos e boa semana!
Eu tinha que fazer isso com Andre... ele vem me enchendo faz tempo pra trocar de carro e eu fico segurando no freio... heheheheh... vou surtar tb, igual vc. :)
ADOREI seu calendario!!! Ta tao lindo!
Michelle, você é linda! :)
Amei você ter gostado do wallpaper e eu, realmente, fiz trimestral porque também me esqueço de mudar quando o mês muda! :D
Brigada pelo carinho, querida!
Saiba que é recíproco!
Um grande beijo!
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