So, while I was gone I was going to have a post with some Valentines and loooooove scraps I made. Why? Because Valentine’s day in Brazil was June 12 :). Then I thought of a funny post for the Friday 13th, got too late for that one too. Then a Father’s day post, maybe?... well, too late for that too and too early as we only celebrate father’s day in August in Brazil and September in Australia...
but I am still going to share a father’s day present I created for hubby. I am ever so jealous that he gets to celebrate it 3 times LOL but when Cathy from Digital Artist Magazine invited me to create a hybrid project for the May issue I thought it was a nice excuse to ask HIM, what kind of crafty project he wanted made. I took him to the Craft Store and showed him the Kaisercraft stand with all the off the page projects, I was aiming for the wall clock but he went for the pencil holder... FINE, ok LOL :)
Here is the end result:
Made with designs by Nancy Kubo (Daddy-O Kit, btw, it is on special right now) and pencil holder and paint by Kaisercraft.
And before I go, a little tag. Alice tagged me. Thanks sweetie, it was the push I needed to blog today!
I had this tag before, Line tagged me last year, but I did in Portuguese, so I guess it is ok to translate it now :)
1. When there is a food I like at home, I can’t stop eating until it is all gone.
2. I love computer games and completely lose track of time when I am playing (so I avoid it)
3. Sometimes I value what other think more than my own opinion (sad)
4. I was a bad apple at school until I got to College, then I become top of my class (go figure)
5. I *also* like Heavy Metal (used to be only heavy metal but nowadays I am normal... LOL)
6. I don’t like high heels, skirts or lipstick...
7. Sometimes I will pay to stay at home rather than do anything outside.
There you go, completely random things about me that I think most people don’t know :)
I am tagging Jackie, Nancy, Catherine, Michelle, Gabi, Amanda and Lanne.
Oh, I almost forgot a little “announcement”: Amanda Heimann is having a CT Call.
Hope you have a great week!
another great project!!!
Have to write Eva in a sec and pull her ear for not telling me about you sooner..
tried to email you about your post.. but cant find your addy.. therefor here..
the english translation of my dutch ramblings is at the bottom of each blogpost..
might aswell be that you dont understand a thing since my english isn't THAT great .. but oh well.. maybe you can have a good laugh ;D
Have a great day!
Thanks for playing Michelle. It's so fun to read and learn a little about you !!! Take care.
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