Saturday, April 28, 2007

Lucas+Fotos+Bianca (de novo)

Lucas is feeling much better. He still needed some pain relief last night but is fine today :)
Woooooooot pro pictures:

I dont know what I was thinking when I got these colourful shirts for the shoot, I dont like it now. So:
Muuuuuch better!

Ok, of the 130 pictures we took, this is the ONLY one that had all of us looking at the camera. Well, it doesnt mean it is the best one, I am not complaining cause there were some nice ones.
Anyway, there are heaps more, I am going to put them in an album on my website. Can't wait to make scrapbook pages of those!

O Lucas está melhorzinho! Ontem ainda deu trabalho pra dormir, teve que tomar remédio, mas hoje está tranquilo!!!

Fui conhecer a Bianca no hospital hoje! Lindaaaa! Cópia xerox da Paloma!!

Viram que legal as fotos profissionais? Tem um monte!!! Vou colocar tudo num album no website :) Vcs acreditam que essa aí foi a única foto que tem todo mundo olhando para a camera? Mais de 130 fotos e só nessa os quatro olharam. Mas tudo bem, tem outras legais.

Visual DNA

How cool is this Visual DNA thingamabob:

Saw it on Jessica Sprague's blog. She always has something interesting to show!!!

Friday, April 27, 2007


Today Lucas had his four month shot. He is almost six months; we are late with his vaccination because they are always booked out :( Anyway, he is not a happy chap at the moment, I had to give him some pain medicine for a little reaction he is having, like he did with his two month shot. He is getting a little lump, last time it lasted a day or two but looked like it is a bit painful. Poor little guy.

I had a look at the professional pictures we took the other day. They aren’t awesome, but I cant wait to get them. I got the studio booking from Alex as a X-mas present, waited till the kids were older, but still they didn’t want much to do with it all. I think I will have a CD with all of them next week.

Hoje o Lucas tomou vacina. Uma injeção em cada perna. Quase não chorou, tão fofo, só chorou na hora, eu peguei no colo e ele parou. Mas agora ele tá meio indisposto. Parece que o local da injeção fica meio sensível. Tive que dar remédio pra dor. Tadinho. Mas eu sei que já já melhora. Da última vez ele ficou chatinho uns dois dias. Bom, depois dou mais notícias.

Hoje também fui ver as fotos profissionais que timaramos no final de semana. Não ficaram maravilhosas mas estou louca pra colocar as mãos nelas hehehe. Ganhei as fotos do Alex como presente de Natal. Esperei até agora para ver se as crianças se comportavam melhor, mas que nada. Acho que consigo o CD semana que vem.

Ah, e a Bianca, filha da Maria, nasceu! Viva a Bianca!!! Mais uma amiguinha para brincar com o Lucas e o Mateus :)

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Miles' Heaven Day

I wanted to do something special for Miles' Heaven day, so I just went out with Mateus.. and scraped it using the kit created in Miles' honour, off course :)

Sunday, April 22nd was Miles’ heaven day. I read his story on that same day and thought what could I do to make it a special day? To honour and cherish the life of a little boy that brought so much love to the hearts of those around him, and indeed, to many far far away. I looked at Mateus, he was bored, Alex wasn’t feeling well and was taking a nap, Lucas was sleeping as well. I thought to myself, this should be a happy day. So I decided to just take Mateus out for a walk. We haven’t been just us out and about since before I started working. It was a simple day, filled with simple pleasures. Mateus had an ice cream and I had Mateus’ smiles. Just mother and son, bonding. Thank you Miles for inspiring me and many others to make *today* a special day.
Best wishes from Michelle and the Filo family.

Template by Kellie Mize (Designer Digitals)
Papers and elements by the Ecletic Team (Amy Knepper, Davita Edmundson, Dixi Frech, Robin Cabana, Robin Forman, Jackie Ecker, Jessica Bolton, Sonja Vanderhaegan and Tania Cordova)

More information about Miles at Jessica Bolton and Lauren Reid's blogs.

For the brazilians:
Eu fiquei muito emocionada com a história do pequeno Miles, um menininho que nasceu prematuro e não resistiu, deixando nosso mundo com apenas 3 meses. É o maior medo de toda mãe né? Perder o filho. Mas essa família chama a atenção porque eles estão tentando fazer com que a data de aniversário da morte de Miles seja um dia feliz, e estão conseguindo. Fiz essa página para contribuir com a onda de “pensamento positivo” que se formou. O kit que eu usei está sendo distribuído gratuitamente justamente para isso :) Se por acaso a mãe do Miles ver a minha página espero que também ajude a amenizar a dor dessa triste perda.

Penn Family's blog

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Agora foi! I gave in!

I finally created a blog for the family! So many good ones around, I felt like having one. I am not sure I will have the time to actually post anything, but now I am more worried about which language to use when posting LOL I guess people who understand both English and Portuguese will get the most of it :)

Resolvi criar um blog para a família. Tenho passeado por tantos blogs que deu vontade te ter um. Se eu vou ter tempo para atualizar aí já é outra coisa :P O mais difícil agora vai ser decidir o que eu escrevo em português e o que escrevo em inglês. Acho que vai depender do público, só sei que não vou ficar traduzindo tudo para as duas linguas né? Hehehe
